Redeeming Earth

Acquiring and developing hectares of Earth and the associated buildings will probably require 1.5 million euros in external financing.

The Earth Collective sees it as great value that the resources are brought together by 'the community' based on trust and substantive motivation, instead of being financed by the banking system in exchange for newly created money; interest.

Do you also see the value in sustainable recovery and commitment of the Earth for the benefit of a healthy local society?

There are 2 ways to contribute: Donation or Loan

Chart money flow


• We see loans as a great gift that makes a lot of value development possible!
• Loans are tailor-made, please contact us personally.
• Loans are contracted with the Earth Collective Foundation for 5-30 years.

Interest in kind (preferred);
• You enjoy accommodation, workshops or food packages.
• In this way, maximum efforts can be made for sustainable development of the site and the purchase of the land and associated buildings.

Maximum interest rate 2%


All donations are free of gift tax and tax deductible in the Netherlands!

ANBI Algemeen nut beogende instellingen DONATE NOW
ATTENTION; put as description
"Aarde Collectief"

To what extent can you support this development?
How many m2 Earth will you buy free?
Some examples:
€        150 = 10 m2
€     3,000 = 200 m2
€   45,000 = 3,000 m2
€ 300,000 = 2 hectares
€ 500,000 = ½ farm + 1 hectare
If desired:
• Receive an annual invitation to our harvest festival to see the place develop and enjoy nature, good food, inspiring company and beautiful workshops together.
• In the case of larger donations, we investigate suitable compensation in kind such as accommodation, workshop or food packages.

Donations can be deposited into account nr
TRIODOS BANK: NL55TRIO 0390 4566 40
in the name of "Stichting Grond van Bestaan"
stating "Aarde Collectief"
Location: Varik, The Netherlands
RSIN: 856200700

• These donations are tax-deductible in the Netherlands (ANBI scheme), free of gift tax and can never be used for purposes other than the purchase/liberation of land (and associated buildings).
• If the Earth Collective Foundation can not purchase the land, the donor will be asked whether he/she wants to return his/her investment or donate it to another initiative with a similar objective.
• More information about the cooperation with "Grond van Bestaan" Foundation can be found here.