Set the Earth free

In order to keep the Earth sustainably healthy and usable for humans and animals, it is necessary that it becomes its own again, is given time to recover, is consciously managed and is free from (financial) pressures/burdens to perform; we call that 'Redeeming Earth'. Also knows as Community Land Trust (CLT).

In order to guarantee these objectives in a sustainable manner, it is important that Earth is removed from personal property, is no longer tradable on the market and is removed as much as possible from the money system.

Within the Earth Collective we pursue these goals, when the land is purchased, part of the profit that the Earth Collective makes flows back to similar projects.

Will you help redeem the Earth?
Donation and Loan

Damaris explains why we should set the Earth free

Earth Collective & Ground of Existence (Grond van Bestaan)

ANBI Algemeen nut beogende instellingenThe Earth Collective Foundation works together with ANBI Foundation Grond van Bestaan (GvB) to achieve this goal. (

• GvB offers their ANBI status for earmarked donations to enable the purchase and setting the Earth free in a fiscally favorable manner for sustainable initiatives.
• GvB offers a 'vault' in which the land can be stored for eternity and can only be used for sustainable purposes.
• GvB offers a wide range of professional expertise to support sustainable management.

The Earth Collective Foundation will purchase the land and buildings with gifts and loans. When the land and buildings are debt-free, they are permanently stored within the (Grond van Bestaan) Ground of Existence Foundation and the Earth Collective Foundation has the right of use.